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    Just a little swim


    Just a little swim Empty Just a little swim

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:16 pm

    Evangeline sat on the living room floor of her room. all kinds of sample scatters all around her. paint sample, carpet samples even curtain samples. A very wealthy vampire client wanted his home remodeled. she had spent the last couple of days collecting ideas and measurements. She ran her fingers through her hair and gripped it tightly. eva needed a break, she couldn't think clearly at the moment so she rose for the floor and walked outside towards her dock.
    Evangeline's  home sat close to the bayou. a stone path lead a couple feet down towards the dock witch stretched over the water. she always felt safer being closer to the water. it was in her nature after all. the stones felt cool to her bare feet as she walked down the path. A couple more steps and she reached the wooden dock. She slowly walked to the end and got down on her hands on her knees then on her belly.

    Evangeline laid on her belly dipping her hand in the water. The cool wood of the dock felt good on her skin. She hummed to her self as she swished the water under-nether her finger tips. The moon rose high in the sky lighting up the waters surface. The water so warm and inviting.
    She couldn't take it any more.the urge to go for a swim. she had to jump in. She quickly removed her shirt and pajama bottoms. looking back towards her home before heading into the water. she knew she couldn't stay long.just a short swim. tomorrow was a big day. She need to get the samples approved then head down to the Golden sea horse (her art gallery)to pick out the art to go along with the samples.

    Eva then dived into the water. Her silky legs turning into a rustic color scaly tail. she flapped it with power diving down and the back to the surface.Eva surface just enough for her eyes to peek out above the water. her long brown hair floated up and surrounded her.
    The bayou was calm and the night sky clear allowing her to see down stream. Eva slowly moved her tail propelling her down the bayou still keeping a look out for anything. as Eva swam further out  she raised her self more out of the water.The crickets sang there love songs as she paddled along.  She began to hum and sing along with them  Losing her self in song and swim.

    The yellow eyes of the gators shown in the distance as eva swam farther out into the swamps. they were no threat to her. they normal kept to them selves. humans were the real threat. Suddenly she heard the sounds out a motorboat. Eva's head whipped around looking for where the sound was coming form. Eva couldn't figure it out  so She quickly dived down and swam towards a cypress tree. the swamp was littered with them.
    resurfacing and   peeking  around the tree Eva watched the boat speed by. A couple drunk humans laughing and carrying on. Eva could smell the liquor from where she was. She shook her head as they past. A frog croaked by her ear. "I understand friend I understand." She said swimming off in the other direction. she wasn't to be as far away from those humans as possible.

    Eva decided to head back to her home. As she turned she noticed a twinkling in the moon light. it caught  her eye. she quickly back stroked towards the twinkle. It was always a trill for her to find hidden treasures.
    Eva quickly swam to the bank before she lost sight of it. . At first she didn't know if she was seeing things or what until it caught the light again. she rested her elbow on the bank and used her other hand to push back the grass. Eva noticed the chain and began to dig it out of the mud. Her heart races as she dug at the ground. She finally got it uncovered completely.

    Eva dipped it in the water and rubbed the mud off of it. Her thumb rubbed it clean to reveal a beautiful antique gold necklace. A aquamarine jewels sat in inside of it gleaming under the water from the moons light. Eva gasped in awe at is beauty. She quickly put it around her neck. Her fingers ran along the chain then rested on top the center.
    Just a little swim Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS91RsYULfCsz6lyLtlBNl8t5YoIgg4q5SomNX1cFtuF5ZSxxIP
    Eva looked down as it sat on her pale skin. She wondered how it ended up on the banks of the bayou in the middle of no where. Who could have owned this? And why did they drop it or disregard it? She shrugged her shoulders and swam off back towards her dock. she hopped out the water and sat on the edge of her dock. Eva had to wait for her tail to dry and turn back to legs before she could head back inside. while she waited eva gripped her hair and  rang it out as much as she could.
    Eva hummed to her self as she reached for her pajamas to help the drying along. slowly her scaled tail to reveal skin. her tail vanishing and feet remain. she hopped up from the dock and ran back towards her home.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:39 am