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    I Swear It Upon The Blood

    Bill Compton
    Bill Compton

    Gender : Male Location : Bon Temps
    Likes : 212

    I Swear It Upon The Blood Empty I Swear It Upon The Blood

    Post by Bill Compton Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:54 am

    ~4 Weeks Later~

    Two dining room chairs, two folding chairs, an ottoman and a wing-back chair. Not exactly what Bill had really imagined when he first thought of hosting his very first Royal Court, but it would do for now. Bill had already called in for plans to be drawn up for a major refurbishment of his home to suit his new status.

    Public options were out. Political climate aside, Bill Compton knew there was a good chance that blood – hopefully not his own – could be spilled tonight and he did not want to end his reign by bringing the Authority down upon his head less than a few weeks after he was given the title of King of Louisiana.

    Bill briefly considered – but then immediately dismissed – using Fangtasia to hold the meeting. He did not want to particularly owe Eric Northman a favor, and, more importantly, given the newness of his reign, doing such a thing could possibly make him seem a puppet of his. Not exactly the image that he wanted to convey as the new King.

    Bill took a step back from his handiwork. He could still see the blood stains from where the blood had soaked through the rug. Even the cleanup crew had been impressed by the mess Sophie-Anne had left behind. With the heavy scent of a citrus and fruit air-freshener that the clean up crew had used, the musty smell of blood still seeped through the air.

    A guard entered the room. "Your Majesty? Duprez and Blackburn are here"

    He nodded; although Bill didn't have much in the way of security staff, but was already starting to work on that. He figured it would be better to bring them in early; not only for his own safety, but so he could have an adviser as he began to remodel of the mansion. Nan Flannigan would be paying for everything in the new remodel, and now that he and Jessica had cleared the air as she now knew of his new position and he wanted to make things just as he imagined them too be.

    "Send them in, the others as well once you've cleared them."

    He nodded and left the room silently as he'd entered, knowing his place.

    Duprez was the youngest of Sophie-Anne's Sheriffs, and the one that Bill had the most concerns about. He was quick tempered, and more importantly, he felt like he might have his own agenda. As with Eric, however, he didn't feel like he was in a position to get rid of any of the Sheriffs, so long as they were willing to swear fealty to him. Louisiana was weak, and most of the vampires Bill trusted to promote were young enough that it would weaken him further. For now he needed some stability in his Kingdom. There would be time enough to make changes later on, once he was better established.

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    Blackburn, on the hand, he knew well, he trusted as much as he could trust any vampire, and hoped that he would stay in his service. Like Eric Northman; he was old and strong. He was also forward thinking enough to not be stuck in the past. While he know he's not exactly a fan of mainstreaming, he could count on him to help maintain the status quo.

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    "Good evening, gentlemen" Bill said as they entered the room. He could see Duprez critically eyeing up the remnants of his living room. Blackburn didn't seem to be interested one way or another.

    "So you are the new King of Louisiana?" Blackburn said.

    Bill sighed. "Yes Blackburn, do you have a problem with that?"

    "No, not at all you Majesty" Blackburn scoffed.

    He smiled slyly. One that could easily interpreted as a threat, if Bill didn't know that he had no aspirations to the throne. "I'm almost envious," he said as he helped himself to one of the folding chairs. He spotted Duprez eyeing the wing-back chair and gave him a look. Something passed between them and the vampire settled for the ottoman instead, which got Blackburn's nod of approval. Bill made a mental note to talk to Blackburn about Duprez later.

    He supposed he shouldn't have been surprised by this little hierarchy within the hierarchy. Vampires are nothing if not masters at making sure everyone knows their place.

    Kirsch came next. Of all the Sheriffs, Bill knew the least about her, their interactions limited to meetings at Sophie-Anne's estate in passing. He had racked his brain, but couldn't recall Sophie-Anne ever really talking about her when she hadn't been around, so she must be competent enough. Bill would probably take a wait and see approach with her. He watched as she greeted the others. Like Duprez, she seemed a bit underwhelmed by the accommodations, but unlike Duprez, she took it more in stride and gracefully sat in the dining room chair between Blackburn and Duprez. She must have been closer to Duprez, because he felt some of the tension ease as she became a barrier between the two men.

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    Bill wished he had more time to study the dynamics of this little group.

    Luis came next. Bill liked Luis, he had spent a lot of time in Area 3 just after moving back to Louisiana, when it wasn't yet feasible to return to Bon Temps. He knew him to be loyal and fair. He had no qualms with bringing him into his service.

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    Just as Bill finished welcoming him, Eric strolled into the room, a good minute before the start time, even though he lived the closest to Bon Temps by far. Bill resisted the urge to roll his eyes; Eric would never change. With the difference in their ages, he didn't need to.

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    Bill nodded at him in greeting and he took the remaining dining room chair while Luis took the other folding chair, leaving Bill with the wing-back. Once Eric settled in, he looked at the others, than he looked at Bill expectantly. The others silenced themselves immediately and looked at Bill attentively. It was clear who the top of that little food chain was. With no real reason to delay, Bill stood in front of his own chair.

    "Thank you all for coming tonight on such short notice"

    Bill ignored the nods and murmurs.

    "As you all know, a new chapter in Louisiana's history began just a few weeks ago. And I stand before you now to invite you to join me as we forge ahead and rebuild Louisiana to the greatness we all know she is capable of. And to that extent, I invite you to continue on in your existing roles as Sheriffs."

    Bill paused to gauge reactions. Eric and Blackburn were bored, Eric knew he was keeping his position. Blackburn probably assumed the same. Kirsch looked thoughtful. Luis looked somehow pleased, but Bill couldn't read Duprez.

    "Of course, I also understand if you don't want to. Those who do not swear fealty to me tonight will have one week to wrap up their affairs and leave Louisiana"

    Eric wasn't the only one to have a hit-man on speed dial. If needed, Bill wouldn't hesitate to utilize his services. He would not jeopardize his Kingdom by letting a wild card remain.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Bill saw Eric appraising him approvingly. His approval shouldn't be comforting, and yet it somehow was.

    "Any questions?" Bill asked before taking his seat. Bill leaned back in the chair and steepled his fingers. It was up to the others now.

    There was a long silence. Finally, Eric stood and sat down to his knees before him.

    "I pledge my fealty to the King and to the Authority for as long as I walk upon this earth and I swear it upon the Blood." The words were lazy, but sincere.

    "I welcome you into my service, Sheriff Northman." The words did not roll off his tongue like he wished they would.

    Eric stood and Blackburn took his place.

    "I pledge my fealty to the King and to the Authority for as long as I walk upon this earth and I swear it upon the Blood."

    The words came easily, he'd clearly done this several times before. Luis was next. Another pause. He stared at Kirsch and Duprez, giving them long, hard, looks. Louis stood from his chair and knelt down in front of Bill.

    "I pledge my fealty to the King and to the Authority for as long as I walk upon this earth and I swear it upon the Blood."

    Eventually Kirsch shrugged and rose up to offer her oath.

    "I pledge my fealty to the King and to the Authority for as long as I walk upon this earth and I swear it upon the Blood."

    Finally, it was down to Duprez. All eyes turned to him. Bill didn't think he'd try an attack, but if any were likely to defect, it would be him. He wasn't much older than Bill was, and he never had a chance to prove himself to him. Bill was likely be bristling in his place if he were him too.

    He looked at the others, the look on his face suggesting he couldn't believe that they had offered their oaths so easily.

    Bill tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. "My patience is wearing thin," he said, leaning forward. "Take your oath or leave."

    Finally, he dropped to his knees.

    "I pledge my the King and to the Authority for as long as I walk upon this earth and...I swear it upon the Blood"

    He said all the right words, but they were devoid of emotion. Bill wasn't thrilled, but so long as he does his job and doesn't cross his line, they would be fine. In the meantime, Bill would ask his friend who lives in the Area to keep an eye on him, just in case.

    Duprez took his seat and Bill stood up again to launch into his new agenda of what he hoped to accomplish and what he expected out of each of them in turn. Meetings were set and phone calls were scheduled. Bill would be fitting them in among everything else, but he would make it work. He had pressing matters to think about, it had been several weeks and there was still no sign of Sookie Stackhouse.

    Bill Compton am the youngest vampire to become Monarch in six centuries. He would not take the record for most quickly deposed.

    He had taken the first steps to ensuring a long reign. And for that he had to be careful, he did not trust any of her Sheriff's, especially Eric Northman, but matters could be adjusted if he failed to tow the line, he would very happily grant Eric the True Death.

    It seemed that now, everything had fallen into place.

    "Now if you excuse me, I have matters I need to attend to" Bill bowed slightly to his Sheriff's and they all left, Eric leading the way. The decorators were here; although they had already started on some of his home; it was now time to make Bill's home, fit for a King.

      Current date/time is Tue May 07, 2024 5:53 pm